Five Gifts That Shape You.
There are five people in your life that you cannot imagine yourself without. Who would you be without these five people? You can’t picture it? I can’t either.
One of them likes spending time with you and is very brilliant; you feel privileged that such an enigma would want to have conversations with you. This person has made you cry the most because this person has made you strong. The sacrifices this person makes for you cannot be quantified. You were probably afraid of this person earlier on in your acquaintanceship with this person. There is so much to say about this person but it’s hard to put into words how great this person is.
Another person in this group is one who knows you; you tell this person everything and this person tells you everything. You have spent most of your lifetime with this person. If you need advice, money, a hug, a kiss.. anything, this person gives it to you. He or she gets on your nerves and makes you want to punch the wall. There is so much that can be mentioned about this person but it’s hard to put into words how remarkable this person is.
There is always that person that you sometimes avoid but you have a great conversation with when you finally decide to meet the person and then you avoid the person the next time the person reaches out to you. This person gives you really great gifts! However, sometimes the evolution of feeling for this person is so profound that the present feeling you have for the person now sometimes can be blurred with feelings from the past.This person understands you and yet doesn’t, which is why you avoid encounters with the said person because moments of misunderstanding are memorable. This person also pushes you and seems to think you are brilliant and awesome and it’s a strange but wonderful relationship that you share. I cannot begin to put into words how paramount this person is.
One person in the world is a mirror of you and at the same time your opposite. It is uncanny but it works. If you ever think of or hear the word “best friend”, this person comes immediately to mind. He or she understands you and does not humor you; is not afraid to evaluate you but elevates you as well. If there is anyone that can give you anything, it would be this person. This person is probably the reason why you might have had difficulty building many other friendships because the bar has been set very high by this person. I cannot possibly try to put into words how outstanding this person is.
The final person of the five is similar to the second. However, this person has spent or shared the same time and space with you, more so than the second person. It just seems like the person hasn’t been there because this person does not publicize his or herself. You do have very wonderful conversations because you know the same things, go to the same places and therefore know each other in several settings. This person has a very different worldview from you and this is also what makes your relationship so wonderful. You certainly have nonsensical conversations with this person and just one brief encounter with this person lifts your mood. I can not put into words how impressive this person is.
If you don’t know who these people are in your life then you really need to make more friends or be more appreciative of what you have.
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