Has Covid-19 Caused Travel Withdrawal?

Tomi Ogeye
4 min readMay 4, 2020


On Travel — Part I

If you feel anxious, stare at pictures of places you could visit, plan/talk about a trip you are anticipating obsessively, and think about traveling all the time, then you are in good company! I don’t think we have a problem. I think we may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms and we are focusing out thoughts on nice things and positivity… right?

You and I are love traveling. You could even be extreme and think your life will be fixed or better, if you could just travel. This could cause a hyper focus on Covid-19 and social distancing policies ending. However, consider the fact that before covid-19 other kinds of setbacks, issues, and problems existed and you made the most out of them.

The impact of Covid-19 will probably be explored and discussed for years to come. The losses airlines have incurred are considerable, but the fact that people have been unable to travel is heartbreaking especially when reunions have been stopped. I intend to explore reasons why some people have been unable to travel.

I do understand and will highlight the reasons why travel is incomparable to any other experience in the world in my next post. First, I want to focus on travel inhibitors because I appreciate the opprtunities I have had to travel when I consider the fact that some people have never boarded a plane before.

  1. Lack of funds: I understand that traveling is expensive. I do know that having financial difficulties can deter travel. For some people, an inability to travel could be because traveling is not a financial priority. It may take time to have the funds to travel, and that’s okay. Save for as long as it takes, months or years, but the best things don’t come easy. Also, you don’t have to spend thousands on travel, you can go on road trips!
  2. Citizenship.. visa stress: people from countries that have been labelled dangerous have to get visas before they can gain entry into most countries. The process of getting documents together, paying additional fees, and possibly having to travel for an interview definitely inhibits ease of travel. I understand this, especially when you are denied entry or a visa.
  3. Fear: I used to hate sleepovers when I was younger. I was terrified about the prospect of having to use a dirty washroom. I was also nervous about not enjoying myself. Eventually, I overcame my fear and I had memorable times with cousins, and friends. It is not unusual to fear the unknown…we’ve all seen Taken and movies that have illustrated the negative possible outcomes of a trip. However, if caution is taken, then you have nothing to fear.
  4. Lack of companionship: I have traveled with friends and on my own and like life, company is always better. If you don’t have friends to travel with then stay in a hostel and make friends as you go! You can also reach out to people in your circle because they may know someone where you’re going.
  5. Lack of energy: There are lots of things that go into travelling. There is so much going on in our lives and it is understandable that planning or preparing for travel may be stressful. If this is your sole reason for not wanting to travel, get an energetic buddy that like to travel and take the plunge.
  6. Lack of Knowledge: sometimes, its as simple as not knowing where to go. Ask around! There are people in your circle that have had interesting experiences and have visited wonderful locations. They can give you suggestions that take the stress off you and help you decision making process easier. You can also talk to travel agents!
  7. Danger/sickness/viruses: some countries are risky to visit. Right now travel is prohibited due to Covid-19. There are certain things that prohibit travel that may be out of our control. However, remember to make the most of the opportunites to travel. Go on road trips, and travel within your country or continent. Remember to stay healthy and boost your immune system with the right food and exercise so when you can travel, you can enjoy the experience.

There are probably reasons I hav not mentioned. I hope you reflect on your travel experiences in the past. If you have been going over pictures, and experiencing wanderlust, that’s okay. As long as you are functioning and staying positive, keep the faith by being grateful for the travel experiences you’ve had in the past!

I appreciate the time spent reading this! Look out for my next piece on travel.



Tomi Ogeye
Tomi Ogeye

Written by Tomi Ogeye

I love human beings. I love writing about what defines and influences me. I explore education, lifestyle, positivity, femininity, relationships, books, and God.

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