On Writing…
I wish I was a writer that would say I would write and actually type and publish a stellar chronicle a minute later.
I want to be a writer that would start a story and actually complete it instead of returning to it three years later.
I long to be a writer that would know exactly how to sequence my thoughts so that my writing looks like a well planned map that still manages to surprise readers.
I yearn to be a writer that can just type without worries about typos, spelling mistakes, and errors but I have never done so before… I mean I have never not worried and I always have errors.
I aim to be a writer that does perfectly even though there is barely a chance that I could create a perfect piece of work.
I am urged to be a writer because sometimes I think I have something to say even though I started typing this out five times.
I hope to be a writer because I need an outlet for the hours I spend at work not knowing if I am actually making a difference and wanting to do something else but not knowing what it is.
I will be a writer because I want to be creative but I cannot even draw a stick figure that is recognizable by anyone but myself.
I could promise to be a writer but inconsistency seems to be the bane of my writing existence.
Am I a writer?