How to De-stress
It’s a new year and I know I should feel positive and happy, but by last week I felt depleted. It could be because the weather took a drastic turn for the terrible and went from -8 one day to -30 and wind chill: -44 the next day. It could also be because I feel like I should be making money moves but I have no idea how to or what they should be. And I miss my family!
Here are a few tricks that prevented me from skipping work or curling up in a ball and sobbing my eyes out.
1. Organize — This one may seem random and weird, especially if you feel tired or worn out. Creating random to-dos and completing them makes me happy. I write activities like vacuum, grocery shopping, sleep, and so on on my list. The feeling of accomplishment when I tick these things off is uplifting and galvanizes me to think beyond the phase I’m in and focus on other things.
2. Ingest Water, fruits & Vitamin D and C — I do feel proud of myself when I eat fruit. I honestly believe research reports that say bright colored fruits can make you happier. In climates where it may be cold and the sun may not shine often, Vitamin D is a great supplement to take once a week. Also…WATER Water makes me feel refreshed and more alert. I say drink lots of water and take your vitamins (I keep mine in my office).
3. Give Gifts — Gifts are a definite way to lift my spirits. I especially love the process of getting gifts — shopping! Buying a gift for yourself and receiving a gift can alter your mood drastically. I do try to buy a gift for somebody I know because I have realized that I feel much happier when I give gifts ~ It is more blessed to give than to receive.
4. Read a book/Watch a movie or TV show you absolutely love — I love to read and sometimes I can’t because I can be lazy so watching TV shows suffice. Reading is an excellent way to get into a different realm that can challenge, motivate, and entertain you. Find something to ensure you have a cathartic release but don’t use these things as an escape from situations you need to address.
5. Play Games and Engage in Activities — I love basketball and its great cardio! Exercise is one of the best gifts you can give yourself now and in your future. I don’t go to a gym at the moment, but I do exercise for a few minutes in the morning, five days a week. Also, I play basketball every Sunday. Exercise gets me going in the morning. I absolutely love basketball and the people I play with. Find a way to expend energy and get your heart rate up.
6. Connect with Family and Friends — phone calls — Human beings are social and develop or have positive feelings when they relate with other people. I miss my family so much and talking to them is uplifting. They make me feel seen and heard –special, I guess. Friends have a similar effect but sometimes one can feel like they are preoccupied with their lives. If you feel out of touch with your friends, reach out to them. If you feel neglected, connect with people and check in on them. Spend time with people who have a positive aura.
7. Take Pictures & Create with Crafts— I love to take pictures and I color once in a while. I appreciate the ability to capture moments and reflect on stages in my life based on photos and my writing. I cannot draw but I believe I am a creative person. For instance, I made a candle two days ago! I used to make bracelets and necklaces from beads. In my experience, everyone is creative. Find your niche, explore your options and create, and you will be glad you did!
8. Write /Journal— Each day we are bombarded with varying kinds of stimuli. We pick up and think about more than we acknowledge. One of the methods that enables me to reflect, analyze, and let go of the thoughts in my mind is by writing things down. You don’t need to have a typical “dear diary” journal. You could list the thoughts in your mind and offload on paper. Writing goes a long way in relieving stress ~One thing you should do every week is write out the things you are grateful for.
9. Have a Self-Care pack/day and Sleep — Relaxation is key. I had my first massage last week and no.. I did not feel uncomfortable. The masseuse just pressed on my pressure points. It was relaxing and not awkward for me. I also find that using a facial mask, doing my nails, and generally taking care of my body make me feel happier. Also, remember that sleep is one of the most effective ways to combat stress.. I bet you know this already... why are you not getting enough though?
10. Go to Church & Pray — Most Saturday evenings I don’t feel excited about church, but once I get to church on Sunday, I feel exhilarated. I love the people I worship with. We are not perfect but our common goal is to do and be better. I also find that praying and reading my Bible lift my mood. The knowledge that there is someone to pray to and the belief that you are heard is everything!
Some things on my list are not easy to begin or do but I find that the harder ones to implement are the most effective in ensuring you avoid burn out. Thank you for reading my piece. You rock!