The Contentment Seeker
Krini was a very big thinker and had grown up in a tight-knit community. As much as they tried to keep Kini from thinking big, he did. If he tried to focus on any other more productive activity, it only worked for 60 seconds.
Krini tried but could not get the stories Uncle Bell told out of far away lands out of his mind. Krini needed to see the world. One day Krini had to go on a journey to Aunty Stry’s place because Uncle Zed had come and took her away, but she needed some of the things she left behind.
Krini found that the journey was not as great as he though it would be after taking 21 steps out of the homestead. He decided that friends would be a good idea and at the next homestead Krini found two friends going in the same direction.
Krini had packed dried meat, bread, and sugarcane which he shared with his friends. There were enough streams along the way to get water from. However, Krini and friends decided they much preferred to have wine and goat’s meat as oppossed to cow meat for the journey. If only they had this then the journey would be perfect.
They spent a night in homestead 3. A nice family gave them wooden slabs with hay to sleep on. Krini and his friends realized they woud have the best sleep if only they had a little extra hay to elevate their heads. The next morning they were given bread and cow milk. Krini’s friend 1, Sabi said it would be really good if they had spring water to accompany the food.
Finally Krini and friends reached their destintion. It had been a good journey but it would have been better if they hadn't had to spend all their time together.
Aunty Sty received them well. Then the friends went on to their own destinations. It was too silent at aunty Sty’s place. He missed the noise and action of having many siblings. So Krini decided to go back home.
There were no friends this time to accompany him, and Krini hated it. The first place Krini stayed, Krini was given potatoes, sauce, meat and spring water. Krini woud have preferred milk.
Krini returned home after a very lonely journey and after three hours Krini wanted to go back.